What should every React developer know?

As a React developer, there are several key concepts and skills you should be familiar with. Here are some important areas to focus on: React fundamentals: Understand the basic concepts of React, including components, props, state, and lifecycle methods. Familiarize yourself with JSX syntax and how to create reusable components. JavaScript proficiency: Have a strong grasp of JavaScript, as React is a JavaScript library. Understand concepts like ES6 syntax, arrow functions, promises, and async/await. It's important to be comfortable working with JavaScript to effectively build React applications. Virtual DOM: Understand the concept of the Virtual DOM in React and how it optimizes rendering performance. Learn how to update the Virtual DOM efficiently to minimize unnecessary re-rendering. Component lifecycle: Learn about the lifecycle methods of React components and when to use them. Understand the differences between mounting, updating, and unmounting phases, and utilize lifecycle ho...